Why Support Ever Blue Life Foundation
Our aim is to make a difference; a sustainable, tangible and measurable difference.
We select and support associations and projects not only by granting evidence-based funding, but also by giving them access to the expertise of selected experts who can enable them to find and implement effective solutions.
Our commitments and pledges are intended to aim to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals as defined by the United Nations, the Sustainability Goals that form the pillars of the Ever Blue Life Foundation, and to promote the resilience of the communities involved.
To achieve our purpose, we are committed to promoting shared expertise and out-of-the-box thinking for the resolution of all issues we may encounter. We know that by allying ourselves and having experts by our side, we can increase the positive impact of our work. That is why we collaborate with a variety of partners: we cooperate with universities and research centers, social enterprises, relief organizations and development-focused nonprofits.
Sustainable Development Goals
Social Welfare
Reducing Inequality
Everyone should have the same opportunities, regardless of economic status, origin, disability or gender. Inequalities find their origins in several factors: poverty, conflict, environmental degradation, political instability and violence, but also in structural aspects such as lack of fiscal and social policies or insufficient wages. Our goal is to restore the opportunity for everyone to participate in community life (cultural, political and social), remembering that it is a problem that occurs not only in developing countries but also in more developed ones.
Defeating Poverty
Hundreds of millions of people still live in extreme poverty, unable to access even basic necessities such as education, health and access to water. EverBlue Life wants to help create social protection systems for the poorest and most vulnerable, providing everyone with the same right to economic resources and basic services.
Environmental Wellness
Clean and Affordable Energy
In life, without energy there is no growth but still one billion people live without access electricity. In this way they remain, in fact, excluded from global progress. We want to commit to funding projects that first provide access to safe and clean energy and fuels, especially in communities where they are scarce, and then that invest in renewable resources in all countries.
Fighting Climate Change
As was established with the Paris Agreement, it is essential that each state develop a strategy to decrease emissions. The only way, as science says, to limit global warming is to reduce, or better yet eliminate, fossil fuels and replace them with renewable energy. Overheating, which does not seem to be stopping, involves more than just rising temperatures in the summer months. These changes threaten the survival of large sections of the population in less developed areas of the planet and also several economic sectors in more developed ones. Ecosystems are thus altered: oceans and mountains, forests and farmlands (and all the people, animals and plants that inhabit them) suffer from rising temperatures and changes in rainfall cycles. This leads us to want to invest in projects to raise awareness and education about climate change and the need to reduce our impact, as well as initiatives to strengthen adaptive capacity to all risks related to the issue, such as natural disasters.
Life Under Water
Our lives depend on water: the seas, oceans and all marine resources are essential for the development of the planet. Seas regulate rainfall, the water we drink, some of our food and, most importantly, the oxygen in the air we breathe while also enabling transportation and trade between nations. Pollution, overfishing, destruction of marine and coastal habitats, and water acidification are having irreversible effects on the condition of the seas and on global well-being in general. We are committed to supporting various projects that regulate and preserve marine protected areas, reduce marine pollution and illegal fishing, and increase awareness and benefit of marine sustainability for small developing islands-